Fred’s Morgellons-Lyme Protocol
The information
presented in this document is an account of my own experience healing myself
and my conclusions of my own research.
I am not a Doctor.
I am not a Doctor.
This account is for
information purposes only,
remember to click the blue links for more info.
remember to click the blue links for more info.
I understand morgellons as a multi faceted vector-borne gateway disease with
poly-microbial properties of genetically modified strains of pathogens and parasites that leaves the door open for all sorts of other co-infections
from pathogens, parasites, microbes, bacteria, fungus and viruses resulting in hybrid species. Morgellons seems to favor type O Rh+- blood types and female health care workers in coastal regions.
A short history on lyme disease. The first case of lyme disease were reported in the town of Lyme, Connecticut, USA. Hence the name lyme. Lyme is a man made disease bio-engineered by an ex-nazi german scientist that were smuggled out of Germany after WWII by the USA to work at the Plum island animal disease research lab. The bio weapon scientist took a few viruses and bacteria and injected it into ticks. The idea was to disperse the infected ticks from a plane onto their enemy in order to disable them thus sparing their own soldiers. Lyme is engineered as a neurological disease, seeing that you live and breathe through your nervous system lyme can affect any part of your body. In the 80's a medical study on viruses showed that combining two harmless viruses in a vaccine mutated in to a new lethal version of themselves. Who knows what the result is of all those mutated pathogens in the ticks. This is also one of the reasons I stay clear from vaccines and treated myself for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma is the linking pathogen to neurosystemic diseases.
The most common pathogens associated with morgellons-lyme is Borrelia burgdorferi (found in 25/25 morgellons diseased patients), bartonella, babesia(causes air hunger), Mycoplasma, Ehrlicia, Chamydia p. Bartonella is a nanobacterium that uses as a biofilm for protection. Bartonella is commonly found with other infections such as Borrelia burgdorferi and is often referred to as a co-infection. What most people don’t know is that Bartonella actually suppresses Lyme disease and becomes the primary infection. As has been demonstrated by the Lyme community and Morgellons community these Bartonella and MD infections are very hard to remove. This is because the infection becomes sequestered in genetically induced tumors and calcified plaque.
Standard antibiotics are very ineffective at killing the Bartonella-Morgellons disease pathogens much less attacking the contents of these tumors. Antibiotic treatment results in mycoplasma. Mycoplasma is bacteria that’s infected by a virus causing the bacteria to be more toxic than ever. Mycoplasma infects basically every part of the body and focuses on the bodie's weak areas. Inside the human body most bacteria can be found behind the knee caps. Because of the synergistic pathogens in morgellons I believe in a synergistic therapy approach.
A short history on lyme disease. The first case of lyme disease were reported in the town of Lyme, Connecticut, USA. Hence the name lyme. Lyme is a man made disease bio-engineered by an ex-nazi german scientist that were smuggled out of Germany after WWII by the USA to work at the Plum island animal disease research lab. The bio weapon scientist took a few viruses and bacteria and injected it into ticks. The idea was to disperse the infected ticks from a plane onto their enemy in order to disable them thus sparing their own soldiers. Lyme is engineered as a neurological disease, seeing that you live and breathe through your nervous system lyme can affect any part of your body. In the 80's a medical study on viruses showed that combining two harmless viruses in a vaccine mutated in to a new lethal version of themselves. Who knows what the result is of all those mutated pathogens in the ticks. This is also one of the reasons I stay clear from vaccines and treated myself for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma is the linking pathogen to neurosystemic diseases.
The most common pathogens associated with morgellons-lyme is Borrelia burgdorferi (found in 25/25 morgellons diseased patients), bartonella, babesia(causes air hunger), Mycoplasma, Ehrlicia, Chamydia p. Bartonella is a nanobacterium that uses as a biofilm for protection. Bartonella is commonly found with other infections such as Borrelia burgdorferi and is often referred to as a co-infection. What most people don’t know is that Bartonella actually suppresses Lyme disease and becomes the primary infection. As has been demonstrated by the Lyme community and Morgellons community these Bartonella and MD infections are very hard to remove. This is because the infection becomes sequestered in genetically induced tumors and calcified plaque.
Standard antibiotics are very ineffective at killing the Bartonella-Morgellons disease pathogens much less attacking the contents of these tumors. Antibiotic treatment results in mycoplasma. Mycoplasma is bacteria that’s infected by a virus causing the bacteria to be more toxic than ever. Mycoplasma infects basically every part of the body and focuses on the bodie's weak areas. Inside the human body most bacteria can be found behind the knee caps. Because of the synergistic pathogens in morgellons I believe in a synergistic therapy approach.
My own infection started with an abnormal insect infestation that lead
to morgellons. Much like the mosquito that spreads malaria pathogen morgellons
spreads mainly via colembolla, demodex or gnat fly. It is said that morgellons
can be stopped in it's early stages with antibiotics like doxycillin or flagyl
due to the fact that the bacteria in the associated lymes disease, divides and
multiples at a very slow rate compared to other bacterial infections. And
lastly possibly because they haven’t coated themselves with a calcium biofilm
for protection. After the initial stage conventional antibiotics has no effect
because it kills bacteria only while they divide and multiply. Meaning, by the
time the antibiotics have to target the cell division the antibiotics passed
through you body already or it’s ineffective at penetrating the calcium biofilm. Biofilm formations is directly linked to heavy metals in the body.
The bacterium in the lyme disease related to morgellons has a clever way
of surviving. The anaplasma[FV1] attacks the bodie's immune helper cells and
hollow them out. By hiding inside the cell membrane like a trojan horse the
body sees them as one of it’s own cells and leaves it alone. The bacteria can
also morph to disguise themselves from the body’s immune system. It takes about
two weeks for the human body to make up antibodies that can target a specific
bacteria and by that time the bacteria morphed, so that the antibodies can not
recognize them anymore. Bacteria can also act like viruses, the human body makes different antibodies
for bacteria than for viruses. No matter how many antibodies the immune system
makes to target a virus it will never kill it because it is a bacteria
disguising itself as a virus.
On top of everything else the bacteria uses a protein biofilm to protect itself even more. That’s
why just about anything that you use to cure morgellons will not have the same
effect like it has against other diseases. I firmly believe that whatever
medicine one uses for morgellons needs to be taken with medicine that can enhance
penetration either orally or topically. DMSO which can cross the blood brain
barrier and it has excellent penetrating qualities. Grapefruit seed also enhances
the effect of medicine.
There is however a new type of antibiotic on the market that targets the ribosomes
in gram positive, gram negative, aerobic, anaerobic bacteria by preventing protein
synthesis, meaning the bacteria basically starves to death. Lyme[FV2] loves cold and hates heat that’s why the
body temperature of morgellons sufferers are below the normal average of a
healthy person. Some MD patients average a body temperature as low as 34-36
deg. C
However, the first step of the anti-nanobacteria phase is to weaken the
calcified shells using substances like liquid zeolites and fulvic acid, which
get in between the molecular bonds and thus compromise the shell’s structure.
This is followed up by sessions with Ethylene-Diamine-Tetra-Acetic Acid (EDTA)
and/or Dimethlyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) to further weaken that troublesome shell.
Prions are found in about half of people with health issues.
Their brains work much better when the prions are reduced. It takes a month or
so to see a difference. Breaking up prions always seems to temporarily produce
increased memory problems and foggy brain.
My personal morgellons skin parasites consists of the following:
In the meantime I use a transdermal mixture on my skin where there is an itch, burning sensation or a sting to expel the bacterial cysts that the fibers grow from. Magnesium oil is a good transdermal. After applying the magnesium oil I rub aloe ferox gel that contains no oils on the infected area. Afterwards I disinfect the treated area with an antiseptic. For tougher areas like the scalp I add a tiny bit of dmso to the transdermal mix. (Do NOT use dmso in or near eyes) Be sure to use dmso only on a clean skin thats properly washed because dmso penetrates right into the blood stream. I suggest using castile soap. Do not disinfect skin when dmso is added to the transdermal mix.
- Transparent sugar like granulars that stings when exiting my skin. Suspect Pseudonoma Aeruginosa - natures plastic maker.
- Blue, black fibers coming out of my skin. They seem to change color according to my diet changes. Some say that it is a filamentous growth due to dna damage.
- Black rolled up fibers in my hair follicles that itch, burn and sting. Some say that it is a bio-electric fungus that produces electricity and responds to emf. An example of this is vibrating tattoos that vibrates when you receive text messages on a mobile phone.
- White fluffy fibers that exits my skin and looks like tiny cotton balls.
- Blue and black fibers encased in a fatty cyst. (Protomyxoa)
- Calcified granular flakes and blobs (Bacterial biofilms)
- Metallic like flakes (Bacterial biofilms)
- Transparent fibers that move and wiggle.
- Lesions (Flesh eating bacteria like impetigo)
- White spots on skin (Fungus)
- Chittan (black granular specs - evidence of a fungul infection)
- Bacterial rods about 4mm in length with pointed ends. Itch when in contact with heat.
- Fungus that hollows out hair - Trichomycoses
In the meantime I use a transdermal mixture on my skin where there is an itch, burning sensation or a sting to expel the bacterial cysts that the fibers grow from. Magnesium oil is a good transdermal. After applying the magnesium oil I rub aloe ferox gel that contains no oils on the infected area. Afterwards I disinfect the treated area with an antiseptic. For tougher areas like the scalp I add a tiny bit of dmso to the transdermal mix. (Do NOT use dmso in or near eyes) Be sure to use dmso only on a clean skin thats properly washed because dmso penetrates right into the blood stream. I suggest using castile soap. Do not disinfect skin when dmso is added to the transdermal mix.
Morgellons protomyxoa fibers cocooned in their protein
biofilm cysts that I rubbed out of skin with my transdermal mix.
Trust me, it really works instantly to stop the intense burning, stinging and
itching because once the tiny cysts are out of you skin it's back to normal.
You will be shocked to see what comes out of ones skin. The tiny cysts
(usually white and no bigger than a match head) seem to prefer the bony parts
of my body where there is little flesh between skin and bone or whereever I
have scar tissue. I consider this method the only definitive morgellons test
that produces real evidence of what's happening under a morgellons sufferers
skin. This is just one aspect of the morgellons skin parasites. Parasites can,
for example, get into joints and eat the calcium linings of your bones,
resulting in arthritic tendencies. They can also eat the protein coating on
your nerves, causing a disruption in the nerve signals from the brain (resulting
in brain fog).
I’ve found essential oils to be of very little help topically with morgellons
simply because they are oily and fail to penetrate the waxy biofilm that the
morgellons skin parasites surrounds themselves with. Tea tree oil on open
wounds did help them heal quicker though. Whatever you use on your skin needs
to be applied with a transdermal solution that can penetrate. For
springtails you can use cedarwood virginia essential oil as an insect killer
topically or order a cedar wood oil fogger online to disinfect your house. A
teaspoon of mustard powder mixed with a cup of cold water left standing for 10
minutes can also be applied topically to combat springtails. To rid your house
from springtails you also need to remove all paper and cardboard boxes since
springtails feed on it.
Personally I've spent countless hours examining my skin and the
morgellons skin parasites under a 800x microscope and observed the following.
Wherever I saw a blue single fiber on my skin I rubbed a cyst out of my skin on
the same spot. The fibers are transparent immediately after exiting your skin
and soon after they change into different
colors due to the melanin that they take from your body. Researchers in a lab
examined morgellons fibers and discovered that they contained mostly keratin, protein, iron,
aluminum, zinc, sulfur, copper, phosphorus, calcium and sodium chloride. They
were also coated with a fungi called Fusarium. Fusarium are common in immunocompromised
patients. Using testosterone (kills nematodes) turned the blue fibers into red,
purple and lime green colors but didn’t kill them. Not even marigold
(kills nematodes) had any effect on the fibers.
Hexagon biofilm found on face 20-60x magnification.
Bacteria can use heavy metals in your body to make metallic biofilms, the hexagon shape denotes insect DNA (ecdysone).
Black fibers rolled into little bundles seem to accumulate mostly
inside my hair follicles and cause a burning and stinging too. Hexagon shaped
flakes colored blue, silver and gold are also present and from what I’ve researched they are from bacteria that uses
metals in your body to build a biofilm around them.
Black flakes were seen exiting my skin as well. They are called “tanned chitin” (check
chitin and derivatives by google and cellulose-bio synthesis by cyanobacteria.)
Tanned chitin is a associated with the presence of fungi. There is a fungus too
called malassezia furfur and scopulariopsis
that grows on human skin and they feed off lipids and the morgellons cysts embedded in your skin.
that grows on human skin and they feed off lipids and the morgellons cysts embedded in your skin.
On my face I found what looked like bacterial rods bundled together
into a tent peg shape approx. 2-4mm long growing into my skin. They made my
skin itch like crazy when in contact with hot water. After searching the
internet the only results I found for bacterial rods were tolumonas auensis
which is also common in sea food poisoning. Tolumonas auensis is synergistic
with candida and thrives on carbohydrates and is said to be responsible for
elevated levels of toluene in morgellons sufferer’s blood.
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Polymer / bacterial rods scratched out of
my skin (suspect it's Agrobacterium tumefaciens).
From all the research that I did so far on morgellons I've come to the conclusion that it is an immune suppressing, DNA altering condition resulting from a bio-pesticide/ weapon engineered pathogen that cross mutated with lymes disease pathogens. Morgellons seems to effect Rh -+ blood types worse than other blood types and is more common amongst female health care workers living in coastal areas. Morgellons parasites, especially the protomyxoa seems to favor sulphur, fat and oils and like to accumulate in or near scar tissue. Two independent blood smear tests revealed fibers in my blood, that's why no topical remedy will remedy morgellons. I've also read that the reason morgelons sufferers can not get rid of the condition is that they do not have the necessary proteins to elininate morgellons.
To make Genetically Modified Organisms or bio-pecticides you need nature's own geneticist aka agrobacterium. Agrobacterium can be used to insert dna into any plant, insect or human. That is why morgellons sufferers have agrobacterium in their bodies. Agrobacterium is the first plant based organism to infect humans. The tumor forming gene sequence is removed from the agrobacterium's dna to make it work for GMO's, however I suspect that the dna from agrobacterium in morgellons sufferers is reverting to its unmodified original state causing tiny tumors in the skin. They look like small grains of sand and causes severe itching on the scalp. Seeing that the plant is trying to make tumors in human skin it has to use what's available, and the closest mineral it can use is calcium. Agrobacterium thrives on yeast and that is why most sufferers itch more after eating bread.
After experimenting with over 80 chemicals and oils on my skin and ending up with urticaria for the umpteenth time I concluded that healing can only start from within the body.
Detox, detox and more heavy metal detox.. resetting my immune system and healing my gut and thyroid seems to me the only answer for recovery.
To make Genetically Modified Organisms or bio-pecticides you need nature's own geneticist aka agrobacterium. Agrobacterium can be used to insert dna into any plant, insect or human. That is why morgellons sufferers have agrobacterium in their bodies. Agrobacterium is the first plant based organism to infect humans. The tumor forming gene sequence is removed from the agrobacterium's dna to make it work for GMO's, however I suspect that the dna from agrobacterium in morgellons sufferers is reverting to its unmodified original state causing tiny tumors in the skin. They look like small grains of sand and causes severe itching on the scalp. Seeing that the plant is trying to make tumors in human skin it has to use what's available, and the closest mineral it can use is calcium. Agrobacterium thrives on yeast and that is why most sufferers itch more after eating bread.
After experimenting with over 80 chemicals and oils on my skin and ending up with urticaria for the umpteenth time I concluded that healing can only start from within the body.
Detox, detox and more heavy metal detox.. resetting my immune system and healing my gut and thyroid seems to me the only answer for recovery.
Core Daily Medicine That I Can Recommend I Didn't Worsen my Symptoms
Nattokinase[FV3] , a must have that breaks up calcium and
protein biofilm and it improves almost all chronic diseases (cactus tee does
the same). It is synergistic with vitamin D. Alternatively Rock Rose (CISTUS INCANUS)
herbal tea is more potent than any other agent known for biofilms. Crosses the
blood-brain barrier and is 100% absorbed in the gut. It is antiviral.
Serrapeptase, has the same properties as nattokinase. Made from the silkworm it has the ability to inhibit ecdysone (insect hormone) found in morgellons.
Serrapeptase, has the same properties as nattokinase. Made from the silkworm it has the ability to inhibit ecdysone (insect hormone) found in morgellons.
Sulfoxide DMSO
(pharmaceutical grade dmso[FV4] ), known as waters’ alter ego due to its
penetrating qualities. It’s a healing sulphur compound, catalyst in the
destruction of bad calcium. It neutralizes excess iron in the body which the bacteria uses for protein
synthesis. Recommended oral dose 5-10 ml / day.
origanum, a must have.
Wild oregano oil is completely non-toxic even at extremely high doses, and, beyond
the initial die-off symptoms, does not cause diarrhea or other side effects. It
is anti-bacterial. It is anti-fungal. It is a burly killer of parasites. It is
a powerful antioxidant. It has anti-inflammatory, and strong analgesic
(pain-numbing; in this, one study found its analgesic properties to be about
66% of that of morphine) properties. And it helps kill tumor-cells and prevent
cancer. There are many more claims on wild oregano, but those are the ones I
could verify. Studies have shown that wild oregano oil produces, in vivo, a 99%
kill rate, even of antibiotic resistant forms of E. coli, strep, tuberculosis,
etc. However, when the oil is used concurrently with other antimicrobial spices
such as cinnamon, bay leaf, olive leaf, cumin, or sage, the kill rate
is consistently 100%. You can take the spice mix either as an timed release oil
pill or as a crude spice mix pill.
Olive leaf tincture, antiviral and kills mycoplasma.
Olive leaf tincture, antiviral and kills mycoplasma.
Bacteriex, contains Echinacea, Astragalus, Cat’s claw[FV5] , Golden seal, Propolis[FV6] , Olive leaf, Garlic.
Cinnamon I mix a batch of honey and cinnamon and take a spoon
of it after taking the dmso to help with foul taste of dmso.
Oleifera powder, the
tree of life. It kills nematodes, it is very antibacterial and it also
restores the immune system by rebuilding immune system cells and restoring
immune system chemicals, cytokines. One such cytokine is tnf, tumor necrosis
factor directs the macrophages, which are immune system cells, to attack
tumors. Lyme and morgellons are tumor intensive diseases and the moringa works
hand in hand with the other components to attack the tumors and kill the
pathogenic bacteria inside them. The dose of Moringa used by healthy people is
2 tsp daily. Up to 6 tsp can be taken depending on your condition. Aids heavy metal detox.
Trace mineral supplement. There are formulas
available that are “ionic” and this is the best type to get inside of cells.
The variety of infections have many intracellular forms, cell wall deficient
borrelia, babesia, bartonella, ehrlichia, mycoplasma, etc. The trace minerals
help to restore cellular respiration and also are important for nutrient
uptake. They have quite an array of uses in the body and a deficient body will
become dysfunctional to a degree. This is also IMPORTANT when using Alpha
Lipoic acid because ALA tends to bind and detox minerals including Mercury in
the body and Magnesium levels will lower and need to be supplemented. Take this
at any time. It is called “Concentrace trace mineral drops” Without minerals the body cannot absorb vitamins.
· Transdermal
Magnesium Chloride,
dissolves excess calcium and relaxes muscles. Apply daily on top of feet and
inner forearm for best absorption.
Tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda daily lowers your body’s
ph level.
Tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar mixed with 1-2 tablespoons manuka honey (use any other honey if manuka is not
available) daily breaks down calcium.
nutrients that most profoundly improve immune function are Vitamin C (do not use vitamin
c that only contains ascorbic acid, it must contain rutin), Vitamin A, B, D and E, Selenium, Glutathione, Magnesium Glycinate Omega 3 oils and Zinc .
Horesetail tincture, removes aluminium by chemically bonding with it and exits the body via the kidneys.
Horesetail tincture, removes aluminium by chemically bonding with it and exits the body via the kidneys.
Chlorella, binds toxins and removes mercury. Modulate the
immune response with chlorella[FV7] 5 grams four times daily 30 minutes before
food, and 2 grams fish oil with food. When heavy metal detoxing use with cilantro tincture, cilantro loosens heavy metals in your body.
Black Cumin oil, very antifungal, antimicrobial, kills colon cancer. synergystic with wild origanum.
Borax, is only slightly less toxic than common table salt however it kills mycoplasma besides being anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial. When you consume borax it seems to work synergistically with magnesium, so keep your magnesium intake up whilst taking borax. To make the borax concentrate, dissolve one level teaspoon of borax in one quart/litre of water. To get a dose of 7 mg of boron per day, mix one teaspoonful of concentrate with water and take it twice daily between meals. Read more here.
Fermented veggies, heals the gut. 80% of the immune system stems from the gut as well as 90% of a bodies serotonin production. It also contains biofilm dissolving enzymes.
L-Glutamine is an essential remedy for helping to overcome leaky gut syndrome because it literally helps to heal and seal the gut lining. Glutamine is a type of protein which is used as fuel by the cells lining your entire digestive system. Therefore it has healing and soothing properties and is very valuable for an irritated or inflamed digestive tract.
Ionic foot bath, helps with heavy metal detox.
Ashwagandha, kills slime moulds and calms you down.
Black Cumin oil, very antifungal, antimicrobial, kills colon cancer. synergystic with wild origanum.
Borax, is only slightly less toxic than common table salt however it kills mycoplasma besides being anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial. When you consume borax it seems to work synergistically with magnesium, so keep your magnesium intake up whilst taking borax. To make the borax concentrate, dissolve one level teaspoon of borax in one quart/litre of water. To get a dose of 7 mg of boron per day, mix one teaspoonful of concentrate with water and take it twice daily between meals. Read more here.
Fermented veggies, heals the gut. 80% of the immune system stems from the gut as well as 90% of a bodies serotonin production. It also contains biofilm dissolving enzymes.
L-Glutamine is an essential remedy for helping to overcome leaky gut syndrome because it literally helps to heal and seal the gut lining. Glutamine is a type of protein which is used as fuel by the cells lining your entire digestive system. Therefore it has healing and soothing properties and is very valuable for an irritated or inflamed digestive tract.
Ionic foot bath, helps with heavy metal detox.
Ashwagandha, kills slime moulds and calms you down.
tea (blood cleanser
that’s antiviral and antibacterial and detoxes the liver and kidneys and fights cancer)
Morgellons favours sulphur and iron, therefore I limit my sulphur consumption by avoiding certain foods and follow a hemochromatosis diet.
I take all medicine with Stevia because it opens up biofilms and allows the medicine to enter them. Xylitol is deadly to bacteria, bacteria swells and bursts after ingesting xylitol.
I take all medicine with Stevia because it opens up biofilms and allows the medicine to enter them. Xylitol is deadly to bacteria, bacteria swells and bursts after ingesting xylitol.
Zinc, a body without zinc is like an army without weapons.
Selenium, your thyroid needs it to function properly and it has the ability to slowly push heavy metals out of the body.
Lugols Iodene, supports the thyroid. Iodine Dosage.
Hemochromatosis like diet (limit your iron intake)
Cats claw, In vitro studies show that the alkaloids from Cat’s Claw have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing (repairs DNA), and anti-viral properties. In the laboratory it has been also proven to be effective at stopping cancer cell growth and to cause cancer cell death.
Selenium, your thyroid needs it to function properly and it has the ability to slowly push heavy metals out of the body.
Lugols Iodene, supports the thyroid. Iodine Dosage.
Hemochromatosis like diet (limit your iron intake)
Cats claw, In vitro studies show that the alkaloids from Cat’s Claw have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, immune enhancing (repairs DNA), and anti-viral properties. In the laboratory it has been also proven to be effective at stopping cancer cell growth and to cause cancer cell death.
Non Daily Essentials.
· Grapefruit (combats lyme disease),
Allicin (garlic preferably freeze dried, a blood
Cayenne pepper (anti parasitic)
(anti viral)
like a cave man…and use himalayan salt.
That I Found Helpful:
Insect killer that killed the colembolla (springtails), which is safe
enough to use on your skin.
Skizit gesture channel on you tube.
The DR John Berman channel on you tube.
Dr. Klinghardt
The keratolytic super aloe ferox gel that I use:
Colloidal silver soap with tea tree and lavender oil, lavender kills
DMSO Aloe gel
This hydrogel is great, it is the only product that I could use on my
skin when I had urticaria and it kills whatever is on my skin without any harm
to my skin what so ever. I use it on open wounds, the wounds of morgellons
sufferers takes longer to heal because the fibers accumulate inside them to
feed off the bacteria inside the wound. You can even use the hydro gel in your
eye to treat infections it is so safe to use.
Colloidal Silver sinus spray, make sure it is
made from 99,9% pure silver. Because the fibers like moist cavities like the
nose and ears. Colloidal silver also neutralizes excess iron in the body which the bacteria uses for protein
Activated Charcoal, green tea, ginger tea, vitamin D3, 1 teaspoon
bicarbonate of soda mixed with the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon and lots
of structured (like fiji water) water for
when you experience herxheimers[FV8] effect.
Activated charcoal depletes Vitamin C, rather use MicroSilica, which not only absorbs excess water in uncontrollable diarrhea but also activates detoxification enzymes.
Fast for five days, it resets the immune system.
Intermittent fasting, helps the immune system-boosts brain function by 400%-extends longevity up to 30%-opens cells to help with heavy metal detox.
For skin lesions I found a drop of wild origanum essential oil mixed with 5ml black cumin oil to be most effective.
Activated charcoal depletes Vitamin C, rather use MicroSilica, which not only absorbs excess water in uncontrollable diarrhea but also activates detoxification enzymes.
Fast for five days, it resets the immune system.
Intermittent fasting, helps the immune system-boosts brain function by 400%-extends longevity up to 30%-opens cells to help with heavy metal detox.
Topical spray to expel morgellons artifacts from my skin.
- Mix the following in 300ml distilled water:
- 30mg Magnesium chloride (transdermal)
- 5mg Citric acid (balances skin ph, dissolves protomyxoa biofilm)
- 5mg course salt (emulsifier)
- Add 1 drop pine essential oil (anti-fungal), 1 drop wintergreen essential oil (anti-inflammatory), 1 drop lemongrass essential oil (kills protomyxoa).
For skin lesions I found a drop of wild origanum essential oil mixed with 5ml black cumin oil to be most effective.
Don't use supplements with Magensium stearate or stearic acid as ingredients. Stearic acid suppresses T cells—your natural killer cells—which are a key component of your immune system.
I avoid the following not because of any negative effects on my own body but because I found that it worsens the morgellons symptoms.
Vaccinations, it contains mercury, aluminium, polysorbate 80 (opens blood brain barrier), nagalase (carcinogenic), pathogens cultured in monkey kidneys-chicken eggs-aborted baby fetuses-cow hides (contains polyomaviruses) etc.
Milk, worsens leaky gut, diabetes and autoimmune disorders. Read "The China Study"
Saline solutions and Mercurochrome which contains mercury, Mercury inhibits every metabolic function in the body.
Stay away from white refined foods, sugar (lowers your immune system) or any food products made by man. Fish damages your DNA and contains mercury proportional to their size. Bigger=more mercury. Most packaged foods contains neurotoxins like sodium benzoate, msg etc.
G.M.O. foods ( Watch “Seeds
of death” on GMO foods induces leaky gut and maintains it and it blocks the enzymes the tells your brain when your stomach is full. It contains glyphosates which is a metal chelator that strips the body of minerals. Without minerals the body can't absorb vitamins. Glyphosates will hold on to all the minerals and heavy metals in the body and will release it in an acid environment like the kidneys leading to renal problems or failure. That is why workers that spray these pesticides end up with renal failure. Dr. Stephanie Seneff.
Any supplements that promotes hair growth like alfalfa and omega oils
etc. The fibers use keratin and protein to grow so the more you support hair
growth the more fibers you will have. I've observed that the fibers increased
in length from 3mm to 30mm after using alfalfa. Scientist found a direct link
between morgellons and agrobacterium that is used to enable gene splicing in
gmo products.
Hydrogenated oils, your body cannot use it so it stores it under your skin and become a food source for the morgellons parasites.
Epsom salt, it contains sulphur. Do not bath in it either, you will just feel more itchy afterwards.
Hydrogenated oils, your body cannot use it so it stores it under your skin and become a food source for the morgellons parasites.
Epsom salt, it contains sulphur. Do not bath in it either, you will just feel more itchy afterwards.
Calcium, the nanobacterium bartonella lyme co-infection uses
calcium as a biofilm to protect itself.
Any sulphur based products like the following worsened my morgellons
symptoms: MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane),
just a word of caution about sulfur supplements, MSM in particular. You may
just end up “feeding” certain bacteria in the process. From my own personal
experience with MSM supplementation
after starting the NB protocol and what I now know about some bacteria’s
ability to reduce sulfur to hydrogen sulfide, I would not recommend MSM.
(NAC). NAC is a
powerful anti-oxidant and immune booster that provides an alternate means of
boosting intracellular glutathione, it helps with brain fog by crossing the
blood brain barrier, prevents DNA mutation, protects against cancer, restores
natural killer cells, protects against radiation damage, shown to inhibit the
growth of Helicobacter pylori (the bacterium responsible for the great majority
of ulcers), chelate heavy metal ions and because it is a sulfur-containing
anti-oxidant it neutralizes free radicals like the morgellons parasites. Nac is
a water soluble anti oxidant only and synergistic with A.L.A. ALA alpha-lipoic acid, that contains no magnesium stearate.
ALA is a fat and water soluble anti oxidant and it breaks down calcium however
it contains sulphur.
L-Arginine, a plant based amino acid also found in brazil nuts.
Even worse for people that suffer from herpes outbreaks because herpes thrives
on it.
Folic acid (vitamin B9), all bacterium uses folic acid to live
because they can’t make their own so they have to take it from your body.
Hydrogen Peroxide (oxygen drops). Due to the fenton effect it makes more hydroxyl free radicals in the
body that enhances the iron peptide bonds of the morgellons pathogens.
Soy. Mycoplasma loves soy. Apart from the fact that most soy contains
G.M.O. the labs use soy to culture mycoplasma. 95% Of soy produced is GMO. Soy is cut with hexane to release the oils, hexane is a neurotoxin. Soy contains proteins that the body can't metabolize.
Kelp, immune booster, it helps regulates the thyroid where
there i s more immune cells
located than in your entire body. However it contains sulphur.
Electro magnetic frequencies. When two mold cultures were separated in a
research experiment and one was exposed to EMF while the other was not, the one
exposed to EMF had 600 times more toxic biotoxins and its growth rate was
dozens of times faster. It may be the case that EMF itself may not harm our
body’s cells, but it may impact the microbes within us which results in more
Cell phone radio waves causes the blood brain barrier to leak allowing
for more pathogens to enter the brain
Fulvic acid (not folic acid). Powder or liquid. It will harm your
teeth. It poisons little critters, such as: fungus, yeast, mold, bad bacteria,
nanobacteria, and viruses. Provider of powerful natural electrolytes, one of
the most powerful antioxidants, detoxifies bad calcium, heavy metals,
pollutants, and improves enzymatic reactions in cells. (Also a massive benefit for
soil for growing plants.)
Shilajit - highest natural concentrator of fulvic acid of
natural herbs. Contains almost 3% of fulvic acid and also natural mineral
Gluten, there is a direct link between gluten and thyroid
dysfunction. Morgellons being an auto immune condition as well one needs to
support the thyroid too.
Microwave ovens
Liquid Zeolites (a natural volcanic mineral) - very strong negative charge that draws to itself very toxic, positively charged air pollutants, pollutants that reach our body through cleaning supplies, pesticides, chemtrails, disinfectants, furniture polish, construction materials, construction finishing materials, food additives, bad calcium, plastics, petrochemicals, heavy metals, food toxins, etc. Zeolites are a 'super-clay' and have been used in Asia for over 800 years for healing and cleansing. Liquid zeolites are recommended, as they are more absorbable. Add one drop of liquid zeolite for one ounce of drinking water and up from there. E.g. 12 ounces of water for 12 liquid zeolite drops, a relatively high dosage. All supplements from china these days contain heavy metals just like chlorella from china.
Liquid Zeolites (a natural volcanic mineral) - very strong negative charge that draws to itself very toxic, positively charged air pollutants, pollutants that reach our body through cleaning supplies, pesticides, chemtrails, disinfectants, furniture polish, construction materials, construction finishing materials, food additives, bad calcium, plastics, petrochemicals, heavy metals, food toxins, etc. Zeolites are a 'super-clay' and have been used in Asia for over 800 years for healing and cleansing. Liquid zeolites are recommended, as they are more absorbable. Add one drop of liquid zeolite for one ounce of drinking water and up from there. E.g. 12 ounces of water for 12 liquid zeolite drops, a relatively high dosage. All supplements from china these days contain heavy metals just like chlorella from china.
Alternatives That I Still Want To Try:
Naltrexone, an opiate used in low dose that can halt almost
all auto immune disorders.
Potassium Iodide - a mineral salt also known as SSKI (saturated solution potassium iodide), it is an antibacterial and antiviral. It is also known for its ability to break down scar tissue and cysts. Dr. Wright has used it extensively to treat ovarian cysts and fibrocystic breast disease. David M. Derry MD, PhD has also extensively studied the use of topical iodine in regenerating scar tissue. If used long-term (longer than a month or so), you need to monitor your thyroid function though, since iodine impacts the thyroidgland. It is said to be the number one aid in any skin condition.
Potassium Iodide - a mineral salt also known as SSKI (saturated solution potassium iodide), it is an antibacterial and antiviral. It is also known for its ability to break down scar tissue and cysts. Dr. Wright has used it extensively to treat ovarian cysts and fibrocystic breast disease. David M. Derry MD, PhD has also extensively studied the use of topical iodine in regenerating scar tissue. If used long-term (longer than a month or so), you need to monitor your thyroid function though, since iodine impacts the thyroidgland. It is said to be the number one aid in any skin condition.
EDTA protocol chelation therapy. EDTA–tetracycline–nutraceutical combo. The quickest way to remove the
calcium biofilm of the nanobacteria.
Chitosan, made from the shells of sea crustations it acts as a
fat trapper, biofilm destroyer and blood filter. Seems like a logical solution
to starve the protomyzoa that lives off fat. It is also used in agriculture as a
nematode killer. Salt and vitamin c protocol for lyme
Lufenuron, a benzoylurea pesticide, (Inhibits The Production Of
Chitin In Insects, Fungi, Zooplanktons, Crustaceans, Dinoflagellates Like
Pfeisteria, Etc). Without chitin, a larva insect will never develop a hard
outer shell (exoskeleton). With its inner organs exposed to air, the insect
dies from dehydration soon after hatching or molting (shedding its old, smaller
shell). Some use it to treat candida albicans overgrowth.
Trametes versicolor, Turkey tail mushroom - dissolves biofilms
Modified Citris Pectin, dissolves biofilms
Piedra, also
known as the stone breaker and has many other benefits.
Silver Sol. Silver Sol is like colloidal silver on
steroids and works in 3 ways.
Oxide – Silver Sol will remove an electron from the bacterial membrane, thus
rupturing the pathogen and killing it on contact.
– Silver Sol resonates at the same frequency of a germicidal light used in labs
to kill bacteria and viruses. Because it is small enough (a nanoparticle) to
enter the host’s cells, it transmits the resonant frequency without the
additional risk of exposure to surrounding tissue.
Disruption – Silver Sol can bind with the charged, incomplete genetic viral
molecules, preventing viral replication. Note that because normal DNA does not
contain a magnetic charge, it remains unaffected by the charge of the Silver
neutralizes iron, all bacterium uses iron in their protein synthesis.
Silver Sol -The new silver technology is a nanoparticle of silver
suspended in water, it is not colloidal silver per se. It is not Ionic silver
either. The suspension is in molecular form and done with a process using
10,000 volts to create new molecules so it is a chemical bond using U.S. patent
# 7135195. The silver that is widely promoted for use in MD is colloidal and
the particles are much bigger,it is not chemically bound to water and it has
3600 p.p.m. The Silver Sol products, and there are a few brands using the U.S.
patent # 7135195 technology, use chemically bound silver particles at 10 p.p.m.
These smaller particles that are bound to water and are charged particles are
much more effective at killing bacteria, fungus, and viruses than colloidal
silver and also much safer to use. The
original brand using U.S. patent # 7135195 is just marketed under the name
"Silver sol" but other brands using that same patent technology are
also available.
Useful Tips
enhance sublingual absorption chew vitamin c prior to putting tinctures under
your tongue.
· Do not use aniti-bacterial soap, the triclosan in the soap will inhibit your thyroid function because your skin is permeable.
· Do not use aniti-bacterial soap, the triclosan in the soap will inhibit your thyroid function because your skin is permeable.
If Vitamin C is taken with melatonin in will take the Vitamin C directly to your
of soda combined with salt will kill 99% of all bacteria.
Do not
store colloidal silver near microwave ovens or electrical appliances that emits
EMFs’ because it will neutralize the positive charge of the silver thereby
reducing its effectiveness.
treating lyme it is wise to start with the larger parasites first like worms
and work towards the smallest like molds, fungi, bacteria and viruses last. For
the plain reason that a virus can infect and hide in a worm and keep on
reinfecting the body.
about ATP, coenzyme Q10 and glutathione. Whatever you use to boost your body
will boost the morgellons protozoa even more, resulting in even more itching
and burning sensations.
like the following, acid, sugar and constipation. Parasites are symbiotic with yeast, they live off each others exotoxins. Pine essential oil taken internaly will kill all yeast within 12 hours.
· Get your bile ducts flowing, without a bile that that secretes fluid into your colon you will stay constipated due to a lack of peristalic movement.
Barberry is planted in between crops to combat agrobacterium.
· Do not put anything on your skin that you cannot put in your mouth.
s The body is only able to turn sunshine into vitamin D when the length of your shadow is shorter than your bodies' length. That's why you need vitamin D in the winter time.
· Do not put anything on your skin that you cannot put in your mouth.
s The body is only able to turn sunshine into vitamin D when the length of your shadow is shorter than your bodies' length. That's why you need vitamin D in the winter time.
[FV1]Anaplasma phagocytophilum, the agent of
human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA).
emerging tick-borne pathogen
stealth trickery, enabling it to avoid
and even
subvert immune cells. Anaplasma
phagocytophilum remodels its host cell-
derived vacuole from an inhospitable
marked for destruction to a protective
haven for replication.
[FV2]In vitro cultivation of B. burgdorferi at various temperatures
demonstrates that the spirochete replicates most quickly at 37°C. An increase
in temperature to 39°C retards growth significantly, while a 24 hour exposure
at 41°C kills all spirochetes in the culture.
[FV5]On the other hand plant medicines like Cat’s Claw are intelligently
selective and attack pathogenic DNA while ignoring DNA from beneficial
microbes. This is why they only kill bad bacteria inside you. In fact they
actually work to repair DNA damage.Cat’s claw repairs DNA damage caused by
[FV6]Propolis is a natural product made by bees from resinous
substances collected from flower buds, shoots and bark, which has the
effectiveness of an antibiotic, with the advantage of not producing the same
effects of chemical drugs.Among other uses, the bees use propolis to ensure the
purity and hygiene of their habitat. The coming of the field bees are required,
when entering or leaving the hive, to undergo a covered corridor of propolis,
which is equivalent to a true disinfectant bath. With this cleaning operation,
bees are disinfected of micro organisms, which are destroyed by propolis. Based
on this phenomenon, it has been said that a hive is more sterile than the best
hospital in the world.
According to biologist José Maurício
Sforcin in Article Globo Science magazine, July 1998, page 21, propolis acts
effectively as:
by inhibiting the enzymes involved in the inflammatory process.
healing, accelerating the process of cell and tissue regeneration.
helping to block the production of metabolites, or free radicals: according to
some scientific trends such radicals spread in our body can lead to diseases
like cancer. Accordingly, research has shown that propolis inhibits growth of
cancer cells and can be used as an aid in treatment of some types of tumor.
inhibiting the growth of pathogenic, i.e. cause disease. Propolis has
bacteriostatic properties and is bactericidal-acting against various pathogenic
bacteria. It was observed by Romanian researchers that it also has antiviral
share, can be used as an adjunct to treatment of virulent flu and herpes.
Furthermore, the use of propolis increases the production of antibodies and
phagocytosis rises, activating the organic regeneration, which may represent
greater immunity against disease-causing microbes. Propolis is also an
extraordinary product in the fight against diseases of the respiratory system
and the excellent dermatological properties.
[FV7]Molds incorporate heavy metals to protect themselves from white
blood cells. The white blood cells are killed by mercury, but the molds are
[FV8]“Herxing" is manifested by fever, chills, headache, myalgia
(muscle pain), etc. It can last for as little as a few hours or, in the case of
LD and bartonellosis, months.
For now all I can do now is to detox my body and try to repair my DNA to the point where my immune system can function like normal again and rid me of morgellons.
This document is a work in progress and I will be updating it continuously as my research progresses.
For now all I can do now is to detox my body and try to repair my DNA to the point where my immune system can function like normal again and rid me of morgellons.
This document is a work in progress and I will be updating it continuously as my research progresses.
I hope this info will help other morgellons sufferers to maintain some degree of a normal life and eventually be cured.
Thanx, Fred
Medical Disclaimer
All content found in this document, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. Offerings for continuing education credits are clearly identified and the appropriate target audience is identified.
The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this document.